
Cultural Impact Of The Columbian Exchange

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The Columbian Exchange brought direct changed that modified the cultural characteristics of many people. Though religion was a weapon of domination, it was food that created a great cultural impact. This paper will focus on the cultural impact that food had in the world, and how much Native American food contributed to the economy and culture of the entire planet. The Columbian Exchange started after Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” in 1942 of a New World. This discovery lent to the entire Western world to gain and to grow with years of expansion and discovery. The Columbian Exchange was a worldwide phenomenon that transfer plants, animals, technology, ideas and specially culture from Europe to America and vice versa. This exchange will …show more content…

When La Pinta, La Nina, and La Santa Maria left Portugal for their voyage, it was expected to arrive to their destination in ninety days. They were looking for India and they found a new World. As they arrive to a small island, Columbus, in the name of the Kingdom of Spain, claimed the land and called it San Salvador. The moment that the Spaniards stepped in San Salvador the biggest cultural shock in history started. Culture is define in the Cambridge Dictionary as “the way of life of a particular people esp. a showing their ordinary behavior and habits, their attitudes toward each other, and their moral and religious beliefs”. When Columbus and his crew landed in America there was a “processes of change in artifacts, customs, and beliefs that result from the contact of two or more cultures” or acculturation as the Encyclopedia Britannica defines it.
Though the changes were dramatic and many times cruel, the result of this exchange was the birth of a new culture. Spain stablished its dominance over what is now Latin America. Spanish influence expanded from the South of the now, United States to the most Southern tip of the Continent in Chile and Argentina. Many of the changes were brought to America through military conquest and political control. The Spanish Empire dominated the world for centuries. It was said that the sun never set in

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