
Cultural Diversity In The Classroom Essay

Decent Essays

In order to address the learning needs of culturally diverse students, understanding how to create effective multicultural learning environments is critical. The trend that we are observing today in children from cultural and linguistic different backgrounds is that their numbers are growing substantially. Therefore, we as educators must be highly responsive and aware of the array of cultures that are represented in our classrooms on a daily basis. Sadly and too often the first step that educators push on LEP students is assimilation into the mainstream. Effective learning environment requires teachers to be knowledgeable and accepting of culture. How else can teachers be sensitive to other cultures other than by first being aware of their …show more content…

Culturally responsive teaching argues that, “explicit knowledge about cultural diversity is imperative to meeting the educational needs of ethnically diverse students”. (Gay, 2002). Culture is composed of many things and teachers must assess which have direct implications for teaching and learning. Other then celebrating the similarities between cultures, teachers must also celebrate the differences between cultures. Geneva Gay states that teachers should be “beyond mere aware of, respect for, and general recognition of the fact that ethnic groups have different values or express them in similar values in various ways”. Such as values, traditions, communication, learning styles, contributions, and relational patterns. As teachers gain understanding and appreciation of different cultures, they also develop a non-bias acceptance of diverse students. All students should feel respected, welcomed, and important in a classroom …show more content…

Bennett (2008) affirms that when teachers misunderstand their student’s cultural behavior styles, they may underestimate their intellectual potential and unknowingly misplace, mislabel, and mistreat them. Thus, when a student is not making progress in the classroom (especially when we can attribute it to a language barrier) it is the teacher’s responsibility to figure out how to establish meaningful practices that will engage the culture experiences of the student in order to gain effective language acquisition of L2. One such practice is to connect diverse learners with culturally relevant texts. Children hold background knowledge of their experiences and using culturally relevant texts with students enables them to make predictions and conclusions about the text (Freeman 2004). Exposing culturally diverse learners to a classroom community rich in literacy is a huge predictor of success. Children should feel confident about learning a second language without feeling insecure of losing their native language and culture. Each student’s strength should be recognized, used and given the opportunity to flourish. Teachers must be prepared to analyze instructional material and strategies and gage their multicultural strengths and weaknesses and modify or improve the overall quality of instruction. Literature should be examined for purpose, significance, authenticity and

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