
Culturally Responsive Learning Reflection

Decent Essays

To conclude my previous reflection, the final statement was, "In today's schools laws are in place to protect our students however, those in charge must abide by those laws to educate and someday remove the discrimination and ethical issues in education." This has become even more evident to me as a leader through the work of Tatum, "Why Are All the Blacks Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" This text required me, as the reader, to define and separate prejudice and racism and describe racial identity through the stages of racial identity within my personal and professional experiences. In addition, the incorporation of cultural diversity and serving as a social justice ally and leader was presented through "Getting Culture." As a leader …show more content…

To effectively reach all learners from diverse backgrounds, it is imperative that implementation of the content reflect and relate to students cultural background (Woidkowski & Ginsberg, 1995). Culturally responsive teaching is multidimensional including curriculum and instructional practices as aforementioned however; failure to address teacher-student interaction, classroom climate, performance assessment, and overall school culture will lead to a fractured approach (Howard, 2012). Wiodkowski and Ginsberg outline a framework for culturally responsive teaching focusing on motivational conditions related to respect, choice, rigor, and competence. This framework included establishment of an inclusive setting so all members of the community feel included and respected, development of positive attitude towards the learning experience through personal significance and choice, creation of challenging work that creates values for learning new material and having been exposed to the growth experience (Woidkowski &

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