
Cypcore31-1.1 Explain the Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development from Birth - 19 Years.

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Children’s development is continuous and can be measured in a number of different ways. Although all children will develop at different rates and in different ways, the sequence in which they develop will be roughly the same as they need to have developed one skill, for example walking, before they move on to develop another such as running and jumping. Development is often referred to on a timeline and is broken down in ages. As development is more rapid in early years the milestones start by being quite close together before becoming further apart as baby becomes a child and then a young adult. The aspects of development that children are measured on are physical, language, social and emotional, and intellect. Physical …show more content…

When they have reached the end of this growth period however they are usually bigger than girls. Their body shape will change as their muscles grow and they will develop body hair. Their strength and coordination will increase greatly and their voice will change to become deeper. In the early stages of puberty testicles and scrotum will begin to grow, penis growth will start later but will continue for longer. Girl’s breasts will begin to swell from around the age of 10 and continue. They will also develop hair in the pubic region which will darken and become curly. Their body shape will change to become more rounded and curvy. Some girls may be physically mature by the age of 15 and nearly at their full adult height although she may still develop larger breasts and a fuller figure. This is of course dependant on the age at which she begins puberty of which there are huge variations ranging from 8 until late teens. The average age for girls to begin menstruation is around 13. Children’s language development usually begins in their first three months. They will begin by learning to use their voice and enjoying vocal play. Babies will watch faces and mouths to try and copy movements and sounds. Between six and twelve months baby will start to enjoy making new and different sounds and will display their feelings in crying/laughing/squealing. By two years their speech will begin to develop as they start to respond and understand more words when they

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