
DBQ for AP US History Essay

Decent Essays

Chapter 6: The Duel for North America
1. Why was the French Empire ultimately so much less successful than either the Spanish or the British Empires?
The French were less successful then both the Spanish and the British because they were late to jump to the gun on the race to claim land in the new world, by time the French stared colonizing the new world the British had already settled on the east coast, and the Spanish in south America, so basically they had to take what is now known as Canada by default, because that is all that was left.

2. If France, instead of Britain, had won the “duel for North America,” would the thirteen colonies ever have become independent of Britain, or would they have been forced to stay within the …show more content…

3. Were all the American grievances really justified, or were the British actually being more reasonable than most Americans have traditionally believed? Yes, they were justifiable, America was getting protection and a steady business partner, furthering their economic boom, when Britain put the taxes on American products, America had over reacted a bit, it was a small increase in the price of goods, but it was enough to cause hoopla over.
4. What was the Revolutionary movement, at its core, really all about? Was it about the amount of taxation, the right of Parliament to tax, the political corruption of Britain and the virtue of America, the right of a king to govern America, or the colonies’ growing sense of national identity apart from Britain? Was the Revolution truly a radical overturning of government and society—the usual definition of a revolution—or something far more limited or even conservative in its defense of traditional rights?
The American Revolution was about America wanting to secede from Britain, to govern themselves as a new union, the United States of America, it would negate any ties they had to Britain and would solve the taxation without representation, No, the American Revolution was not a radical overturn of government, it was America fighting for their freedom of Britain so they could be one union instead of always referred to as the colonies, to get rid of the relentless taxes that were being

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