
Dark Ages Dbq Essay

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Following the collapse of the Roman Empire came a period lasting from 476 to 800 C.E. called the Dark Ages. This fall was due to the invasion by the Barbarians, and since there was no central government to provide protection against these attacks, people began looking to powerful lords and knights for help. This was a time of despair as violence erupted and education became virtually obsolete. Classical Greeks and Roman texts were lost, and the majority of the population could not go to school and therefore were illiterate. In addition, due to the plundering of cities, most people were peasants or farmers. However, it was the Islamic Civilization that reintroduced new ideas and cultural improvements into society. Although some historians …show more content…

(Doc 1) One field that the government supported was education. The rulers wanted qualified doctors to treat them, and they relied on mathematicians to calculate the times of prayer and direction of Mecca. They also opened up a House of Wisdom in Baghdad in the early 800’s. The financial support provided by the government is what gave them the means to do pursue what they wanted. (Doc 6) In addition, religion was a major influence on the Muslims. Artists made art in buildings and objects with calligraphy to express the glory of Allah. This form of art was a great outlet for people to express their beliefs in a physical form, and without the religious aspect, they would have no motivation behind their work. (Doc 2) Furthermore, their insatiable need for more learning encouraged them. The city of Cordova had 37 libraries, a plethora of bookstores, and 800 public schools. Because of this, the citizens had the privilege of walking in neat, paved streets, only one factor that generally improved the quality of life. This and all the other factors were only the beginning steps to refine life and lead to the great society we live in …show more content…

(Doc 3) The medicine that was developed in that time is still incorporated today. Texts on the basics of surgery helped to create a better understanding on how to treat patients, and these have become the very basics doctors learn. (Doc 5) Trigonometry and Astronomy also impact us. Not only are these subjects taught to kids in schools around the globe, but they were used to study the skies and create calendars and maps. If it were not for this, we would not have been able to go further in the exploration of the world. (Doc 8) The culture of this time is also extremely prevalent, especially the expansion of Islam from the influence of the Quran and people like the Sufi poets. This is one of the foremost religions of the world today, which started in this time. Clearly, the legacy of the Islamic Civilization was extremely influential since their ideas and innovations and are still part of the world

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