
Dbq Columbian Exchange Research Paper

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The Columbian Exchange introduced many things into the New and Old World that changed their culture completely. Ireland is known for potatoes, but potatoes didn’t come from Ireland they came from the New World. Also, horses are one of the symbols of Native Americans, though horses were one of the domesticated animals brought to the New World. The New World eventually benefited from the European exploration to the New World with the introduction of crops, livestock, and European technology. Many Native American’s died due to diseases, but the one who survived obtained many great things from the Columbian Exchange. The number of indians before the diseases of the New World killed most of the native population is disputed (Document 3). Though, it is known that a great fraction of them did die, but it was not from labor (Document 6). It is actually from diseases such as Measles and Smallpox. Since Indians had no immunity against these diseases they spread quickly, often devastating populations before conquistadors got to the villages (Document 7). The explorers unintendedly spread these silent killers throughout the New World because they were naive to the idea of contagion and cleanliness. …show more content…

Land was becoming scarce in Europe, and sailing to the west has always been a dream to Europeans (Document 5). So even if Columbus was not able to take the journey someone else would have quickly took his place, and vaccines still would not be invented to help the Natives. It is important to have an open mind while looking at the Columbian Exchange just as the author of Document 7 did because the Spanish did subjugate the natives to slavery in the econdmendia system, but the deaths due to that were not nearly as much as deaths due to

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