
Dbq North Vs South

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North vs. South

Do you think that it was right for the South to leave the United States? Slavery is such a big issue because blacks were treated unfairly for no reason. Also because the whites didn’t consider them a human's. The North is where most of the free states are. The south is where most of the slave states are. Southerners wanted to secede from the union because of Lincoln’s Election, They would lose to the North in a war, and the Uncle Tom’s Cabin book.

First, Abraham Lincoln wasn’t a fan of slavery. He thought that slavery should be abolished. According to document 5 it says “Abraham Lincoln, who had declared “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free…”. Lincoln also thought that it should be “Free Speech, Free Homes, and Free Territory”. He thought that blacks should have the right to talk in public and blacks should own their own homes and property. Lincoln wanted all blacks to be free and didn't want racism.

Second, The south would lose to the North in a war. According document 2 civil war graphs “the North had a better population, A higher number of soldiers, A higher number of factories, and they had a better railroad system.” The North had more people, they had more people to fight if there was a war, they had more buildings, and they had a …show more content…

According to document 4 it says “She wrote this book to show that slavery was evil and that the Fugitive Slave Law was unjust.” Also it says that “ Many northerners viewed slavery as wrong. It made abolitionists want to help slaves escape to the North and canada”. Even though the north viewed slavery as wrong they still had some states that had slaves. Since the abolitionists thought that slavery was wrong too they thought that it would be best for them to escape to the North. Rather than being in the South where some of them will eventually get killed. Author Harriet Beecher’s book made a huge impact on the

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