
Death Penalty In America Research Paper

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Death Penalty of America Lethal injection purpose was to be a very highly alternative option compared to electrocution, gassing or even hanging. Which everyone knows that those are known to go horribly wrong in awful ways. Is the death penalty fair or unfair treatment and should it be banned? Thought the death penalty is important because it can justify people’s lives who have been put in situations that determine rather they should live or die. It is to determine the fairness of the severity of a person’s crime by sentencing the death penalty. Such if there was a terrorist that happens to be a teenager decides to plant a bomb near a playground where kids play every day. As this person decides to let the bomb detonate, and he is caught down …show more content…

The death penalty should not be allowed for such things as it is wrong if the purpose of it is to simply get back at someone for something that they have done to you or to get even. There has been wonders and questions of the death penalty being deterrent or to be something that discourages people from doing something. Ignoring this would simply be action of the innocent being condemned and the state being responsible for those deaths. Crimes are not always intentionally, such as murders happening from emotions, or passionate feelings. Rehabilitation may be a suggestion if someone is really diagnosed as insane other than there death penalty for capital murder. Sentencing someone to death after they have intentionally terrorized or destroyed a family by committing capital murder shall be punished. For someone to do something as such, and not get penalized for it just leaves more room for criminals to feel what they done is not as severe. Everyone who is convicted of a crime are innocent until proven guilty, as long as the evidence provides that then people should not get sentenced from …show more content…

This is because victims’ families may forever suffer and morn for their beloved. Punishing the criminal this way may relieve that family of something and send a message to criminals hopefully to let them know the seriousness of this. “Abolitionists may contend that the death penalty is inherently immoral because governments should never take human life, no matter what the provocation. But that is an article of faith, not fact” (Fein para.1). It shows that the death penalty is not based on decisions nor beliefs of the severity of the crime but facts and evidence. Crimes are serious and should not be done away with because someone does not believe in it. “People fear nothing more than death. Nothing with deter a criminal more than that fear. Life in prison is less feared” (Haag para.1). Murderers prefer to it as execution, and would prefer life in prison other than dying. A life sentence is less deterrent than being sentenced to death, and protection of future citizens in life is more important than the execution of a criminal. Criminals should not be spared after murdering or raping someone just because they say it is not right. If the facts state for them to be executed due to their crime and not let off easy being sentenced to life in

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