
Definition Of A Bad Person Analysis

Decent Essays

The Definition of a Bad Person “The only people who care about privacy, the only people who will seek out privacy, are by definition bad people” is a quote by Glenn Greenwald explaining his view on privacy. His view is that people that want privacy have something to hide and, therefore, are deemed to be a bad person. My view, on the other hand, is a complete opposite one of Mr. Greenwald. I feel that most people want privacy in order to get that ‘safe’ feeling in their mind and make them feel better as they know that whatever they are doing will not and cannot escape to the public. Maybe they don’t want others to judge them, after all, isn’t that what the world is mostly made up of today? Different people have different styles, but there are people who have social media and post things because they want to be judged while others refrain and sit back. Even though their style is different, people without social media probably still have good things to share but simply would rather not share it, thus wanting privacy. Does that make them a bad person? In Glenn Greenwald’s eyes I guess so, but in mine, no. …show more content…

She tends to rescue cats that she feels are struggling or even newborn kittens that have been left by their mother. In turn, she nurtures them back to good health and attempts to adopt them out to good homes. Although, not every cat is guaranteed to be picked up by a family, and when one doesn’t she doesn’t have the heart to let them back in the wild and ends up keeping them. I’m sure she wants others to that her cats are always up for adoption, but maybe the number of cats that she actually has in her home isn’t so important. This case is just another example of how privacy can be good and doesn’t mean a person has something to hide or overall is just a bad

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