
Developing Osteoporosis

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The body can synthesize vitamin D with the help of sunlight, from a precursor that the body makes from cholesterol. Osteoporosis is, " any failure to synthesize adequate vitamin D or obtain enough from foods sets the stage for a loss of calcium from the bones, which can result in fractures" (Whitney & Rolfes, 2013, p. 349). There are several common risk factors for developing osteoporosis, which lead to the condition of reduced bone density.
During the later years, osteoporosis becomes apparent but develops a lot earlier without any warning. The bone has two compartments, which include the cortical bone and the trabecular bone. The cortical bone is the very dense bone tissue that forms the outer shell, whereas the trabecular bone is the …show more content…

396). When blood calcium needs to be replenished, the trabecular bone gives up minerals. The loss of trabecular bone is significantly apparent in men and women in their 30s. However, the trabecular bone can start to desintegrate whenever calcium withdrawals exceed deposits. Furthermore, cortical bone also gives up calcium, however this occurs at a slower and steadier pace. The cortical bone begins to give up ususally around someone in their 40s. Therefore, as bone loss continues, bone density begins to decline, which causes osteoporosis to become apparent. For instance, "Bones become so fragil that even the body's own weight can overburden the spine - vertebrae may suddenly disintegrate and crush down, painfully pinching major nerves" (Whitney & Rolfes, 2013, p. 396). Nonmodifiable risk factors for osteoporosis tend to occur in the older age, female gender, smaller frame Caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic/Latino. In addition, it occurs in people with family history of osteoporosis or fractures. However, modifiable risk factors include, sedentary lifestyle, diet inadequare in clacium and vitamin D, diet excessive in protein, sodium, caffeine, cigarrette smoking, alcohole abuse and low

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