
Does Texting Affect Writing By Michaela Cullington

Decent Essays

The Art of Texting: Analyzing Texting and Writing Texting seems to have the concern of many people these days. The one person’s concern that stood out to me was Michaela Cullington author of, “Does Texting Affect Writing?” This article explains how texting can affect a student’s writing. Her beliefs are that texting does not affect the way students write. Many people believe that texting not only has negative affects but they also have positive affects like motivating them to write and also using different writing skills. Cullington conducted a research experiment in her article “Does Texting Affect Writing?”, to show credibility of her decision, the emotion behind the writing and also the logistic on the way that texting does not affect the way students write. First, Cullington effectively establishes credibility through her sources. She states, “Text messaging –or texting…is a process of sending and receiving typed messages via a cellular phone” …show more content…

She states, “Teachers report finding “2” for “to”, “gr8” for “great”, “dat” for “that”, and “wut” for “what” (792). This statement shows valid evidence because the teachers actually set up a study to test the papers and to see what the students were actually writing and how they were using text language. She did many experiments with teachers and also the students to come up with her conclusion. One type of experiment she did was interview some of her old teachers who she knew stressed writing skills. She also established logic through stating, “The English teacher that she believes texting inhibits good writing- it reinforces simplistic writing that may be acceptable for conversation but is not good for critical thinking or analysis.” This statement is saying that texting is good for the simple parts of writing but does is not effective for the analysis part. Texting can be good for writing in some

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