
Dr. Celophus Larue's How Shall They Preach

Decent Essays

Dr. Celophus LaRue gives a few words of advice on how one may go about becoming a better preacher. First, one must listen to good preaching. One must listen to the pace, emphasis, intonation and inflection that the preacher gives during the sermonic hour. It is the art of preaching that is strengthened orally and aurally. In watching and listening to great preachers, one begins to refine one’s own preaching voice. “Listening to the preaching of others is a great way to learn how to develop your own preaching skills” One does not listen to preaching in order to plagiarize or copy the sermon, but to use the opportunity to discover what insightful information makes that preacher stand out from the rest.
Secondly, one must spend fervent time in the seat of a chair. Preaching does not come easy, and the preacher must put in hard work and long hours to perfect the craft of preaching. “Paul Scherer reminds us that the first step toward a good sermon is hard work; the second step is more hard work; and the third is still more.” Get a place and time for your sermon preparation and the grinding begin. It is not possible that one can wait until Saturday night to take time to study and prepare a sermon. One must set aside time every day of the week for some time of study. Gardner C. Taylor, in “How Shall They Preach,” said “the faithful preacher, …show more content…

The preacher must want to proclaim the word in order for it to be effective. There must be a fervent burning within, to drive a preacher to be proficient in the craft of preaching. “There is a sense in which the sermon preparation time is an act of worship. It is not simply some technical/skills- oriented exercise separate and apart from the transformation we seek to evoke in others through the power of the Holy Spirit.” In order to reach the depths of the word of God, one must have a desire to dig and prepare. One’s desire should be considered as a matter of life or

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