
Dr King Immoral Individual Analysis

Decent Essays

I believe that Dr. King is correct in his stance that “it is an historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture, but…groups tend to be more immoral than individuals” (paragraph 12). I believe his stance by the virtue that it is common knowledge that group mentality is strong, but not only that, but history has shown if a strong immoral individual is the head of a group they will be inclined to have immoral behaviour despite their feelings on the stance. The example in history I find to be the best is Hitler and his Nazis. Not every Nazi believed that Jews were horrible people, in fact particularly few believed in Hitler’s cause, but his strong leadership and group mentality caused countless people to do various immoral actions.Copious amounts of Nazis, did heinous things to Jews in concentration camps, and many treated them like scum of the earth as a result of group mentality. The number of Jews killed in …show more content…

This experiment was one where several students were given labels as guards and prisoners. The guards were given unlimited authority and several items to allow them to “discipline” the “prisoners”. The experiment was one that was to observe why events like the Abu Ghraib prison where American soldiers brutally tormented and tortured prisoners. The experiment notably achieved conditions that were exceedingly unacceptable, nevertheless they showed that authority and group mentality causes groups to act more immoral than individuals. Both the experiment and the proceedings at the Abu Ghraib prison were stopped by an individual. The experiment was stopped by Zimbardo’s wife who went into the experiment area and was appalled and the events at the Abu Ghraib prison were stopped by a female soldier who was transferred to the

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