
Dynamic Characters In Romeo And Juliet

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Throughout the history of literature, there have been many adroit and skilled virtuoso writers, and of these men is one of the most grandeur playwrights of all time— William Shakespeare. The aspects that make Shakespeare such a great writer is his ability to captivate a reader with his expression of words. As evident in many of Shakespeare’s plays, love takes a lofty role in each of Shakespeare's plays, and the most phenomenal of these plays is the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a play that is about a young man and a young women who are both from two very noble and high-born families, the Capulets and Montagues. For years, there has been a deep animosity between these two families. Romeo originates from the Montague family, …show more content…

In the play, Juliet is a young guileless girl still innocent in this Earth. In the play Juliet is only fourteen years old, “whether it’s even or odd, of all the days in the year, on the night of Lammas Eve, she’ll be fourteen.”(act i scene iii). One of the contributors that shaped Juliet’s amorphous mind-set into her tractable personality was her environment. Juliet was surrounded with affable people who loved her dearly. The nurse that stayed with Juliet was very compassionate towards Juliet, and treated Juliet as her own daughter. Juliet’s parents were of a high-class, and flattered Juliet, making Juliet a naive and submissive person. Juliet’s inexperienced personality contributes to the decisions she makes in the beginning of the play. Juliet faces the challenge of getting married to a man she doesn’t love, and though many girls her age have gotten married, Juliet does not give the marriage a thought. Juliet’s encounter with love and marriage lead to the conflagration of Juliet’s adulthood. Juliet’s confrontation with Romeo lead her to become an independent and ingenious young

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