
Eating Disorders In America

Decent Essays

Eating disorders may not seem like it’s that big of a deal. In America, we hear about a lot about people who contract illnesses such as cancer, but eating disorders isn’t talked about much. Over thirty million people suffer from these mental illnesses, such as anorexia or bulimia. Even though these disorders have the highest life span of any mental illness, they can lead to death due to organ failure, heart failure, starvation, or even go as far as committing suicide. Things such as peer pressure, sports, body image, and low-self esteem can drive teenagers towards eating disorders.
Anorexia and bulimia are the two most common types of eating disorders. Anorexia, just one type of disorder, is the third most common chronic illness among teenagers. …show more content…

By age six, girls start to think about their weight and become self-conscious. Forty to sixty percent of girls, ages six to twelve, are concerned about being too fat. This idea, caused by society is carried throughout their life, causing self-esteem issues, which can lead to depression. Sixty nine percent of girls who read magazines said that the pictures influenced their idea of an “ideal body”. Forty seven percent said the pictures made them want to lose weight. This idea, that you have to be skinny to the point of starvation, in order to be beautiful, is affecting girls. In fact, only five percent of American women naturally have the body type that is portrayed on advertisements. The average American women according to the NEDA is five foot four weighing 165 pounds, whereas the average Miss America winner is five foot seven weighing 121 …show more content…

You see emaciated models all over the malls, on tv, and on magazines. Women think they have to be skinny to be beautiful. Men are given the idea that they need to be muscular and have as little fat on them as possible in order to be handsome. Teenagers need to realize that the “ideal body” is unrealistic. You shouldn’t have to change the way you look for someone to accept you. All the pictures that we see aren’t real. They are touched up and photoshopped to make the models look perfect.
Sports can be another cause of these mental illnesses. People active in sports requiring a slim figure such as ballet, dancing, cheerleading, long distance running, or gymnastics are at a higher risk. “Athletes with anorexia tend to have specific factors such as perfectionism, high self-expectations, competitiveness, compulsiveness, and tendency towards depression,” according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD).
Ten to fifteen percent of people who have anorexia or bulimia are male. Teenage boys see themselves and think that they aren’t big enough. They turn to steroids or other methods to make them bigger and stronger. Teenage males are less likely to receive treatment because eating disorders are labeled as a “woman’s

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