
Effect of Exercise on Cardia Output Essay

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Activity: Name: Instructor: Date:

Effect of Exercise on Cardiac Output August 26, 2013

1. During exercise HR will increase. 2. During exercise SV will decrease. 3. During exercise CO will increase.

Materials and Methods
1. Dependent Variable EDV, ESV, and cardiac cycle length 2. Independent Variable level of physical activity(resting or exercise) 3. Controlled Variables age, weight, height 4. What instrument was used to measure cardiac volumes? MRI 5. Does the instrument used to measure cardiac volume use X-Rays? Explain. no

Results Table 2: Resting and Exercising Cardiac Cycle Length, EDV, and ESV
Resting Values …show more content…

Resting and exercising HR – a. What was the average resting HR? 72 b. What was the average exercising HR? 138 c. The range of normal resting HR is between 70 and 73 beats per minute for these subjects. Did average HR increase, decrease, or not change with exercise? increase

5. Resting and exercising SV -a. What was the average resting SV? 69 b. What was the average exercising SV? 104 c. The range of normal resting SV is between 60 and 80 ml for these subjects. Did average SV increase, decrease, or not change with exercise? Increase

6. Resting and exercising CO – a. What was the average resting CO? 4.9 b. What was the average exercising CO? 14 c. The range of normal resting CO is between 4.2 L per minute and 5.84 L for these subjects. Did average CO increase, decrease, or not change with exercise? increase

1. What caused the change in HR with exercise? Muscles use more oxygen and glucose from the blood with increased movement. This produces wastes that decrease blood pH below the normal range causing an increase in heart rate. The heart rate increase delivers blood to the lungs and kidneys more quickly so these organs can remove the wastes from the body. The faster the muscles use energy and create waste, the faster the heart must pump blood. 2. Discuss the effect of venous

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