
Election Of 1800 A Revolution Essay

Decent Essays

I agree with Jefferson that the election of 1800 was indeed a revolution. The election of 1800 was a presidential election between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, where each side thought a win by the other candidate would destroy the nation. This was the election where two parties were being formed, Federalists and Democratic-Republican, and the first time in the U.S. that there was a shift in power from one party to another. The Federalists lost power to the Democratic-Republicans in the election which came to be a bloodless revolution and proved that the constitution worked. The election of 1800 was a revolution because it changed the Federalist style government into a centralized government into a Republican style government. The Republican …show more content…

Building up to the election, Jefferson need the support of an alliance called the anti-Federalists. Anti-Federalists were a group that strongly opposed a stronger federal government and opposed the ratification of the Constitution. The opposed a stronger national government because they thought it would become too powerful like the British monarchy. Jefferson ended up winning the election of 1800 over John Adams in a tight race. The House of Representatives chose Jefferson as president after being tied with Aaron Burr, 73 electoral votes apiece. Jefferson was known for his saying, “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.”
After being elected he adopted some Federalists policies and some Republican ideas. Jefferson acquired the area of Louisiana from France that doubled the land area of the United States. He also set up an expedition for Lewis and Clark to explore that area, which opened more trade routes, and provided maps and other information about that area, which led to more people settling there. Throughout his term he gave up with moving away from a stronger central government, and wanted to limit the executive branch of

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