
Environmental Science Lab Report

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Estimation of Duckweed Geometric Population Density Phosphate Depletion By Ana Rosina Alarcon University of Texas at El Paso Department of Environmental Science Instructor: Gebregiorgis Alay G. Introduction Duckweed is a small aquatic plant that is able to grow rapidly, making it the ideal specimen for our experiment. It is hypothesized that altering the amount of light received by duckweed will alter its photosynthetic rate. It is predicted that a lower light intensity will lower the rate of growth in duckweed. Also is an important high-protein food source for waterfowl and also is eaten by humans in some parts of the world. As it contains more protein than soybeans, it is sometimes cited as a significant …show more content…

Garanted duckweed will keep growing without the phosphate being in the water, it won’t because the plant die from the depletion of the nutrient, in other words the containers will eventually be filled with the plant, the process will just be significantly slower that in the control group containing the phosphate, if growing duckweed is urgent than the water must contain phosphate to nourish the plant for a quick grow rate. Discussion:              This experiment has reviled one very significant result, and that is that in order for duckweed to grow not only fast but efficiently as well, the plant needs a high source of phosphate from where to get nourishment from, without the phosphate the geometric growth of the plant is noticeably slower. As other scientists such as Appenroth have researched, lowering the phosphate concentration in the water has significant results to where the growth rate is always slower (Plant, Cell & Environment). Yet another interesting study done by scientist Akira Haste showed that the plant does better with a slow amount of phosphate, that yes indeed the plant does need phosphate to have a pristine growing conditions, however the amount of phosphate had to be low, too much and the plant does not benefit from the phosphate in the water (Physiologia Plantarum ).            All these countless experiments, including

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