
Essay On Climate Change In America

Decent Essays

One of the biggest economic challenges in the United States today is climate change. Climate change effects all sectors of the economic, however, most especially agriculture, energy, and transportation are more likely to be effected (EPA, 2016). Thereby, all of society is highly dependent on the stability in the environment to carry out all of life processes. A shift in the normal range of conditions can impact people and areas that are more vulnerable to coastal storms, and drought. For example, some of the effects of climate change in the Northeast region of the United States are “heat waves, heavy downpours and sea level rise pose growing challenges to many aspects of life in the Northeast” (NASA, n.d.). Thereby, increasingly compromising the agriculture, fisheries and ecosystems in the Northeast region of the United States.
Consequently, climate change as impacted all aspect of my life. I been a resident in Baltimore, Maryland for over 20 years, however, the increasing number and severity of hurricanes, winter storms, …show more content…

The high tax rates in Maryland has cause many businesses and along with it tax payers to leave to more tax friendly states. For instance, “40 consecutive tax hikes have taken an additional $10 billion out of the pockets of struggling Maryland families and small businesses” (Polities, 2015). High tax rates have lead Maryland to have a poor business climate with limited job opportunities and growth for small businesses and its residences. For example, Maryland competes mainly against Virginia, the District and Delaware for job opportunities. However, the tax rate impose by Maryland on corporate profit of 8.2 percent is not competitive enough to compete with Virginia 6 percent and no local tax on employee pay. Meanwhile. Maryland workers would have “less take-home pay because Maryland localities impose an average 3 percent income tax” (Ferguson,

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