
Essay On Indigenous Reserve High Schools

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Poorly funded and under-resourced indigenous reserve high schools

Indigenous reserve high schools that are under the federal government operate by local bands. Graffit research on Indigenous reserve high schools operating by local bands has found these school to be poorly funded and under-resourced (Graffit, 1997). The Attawapiskat First Nation case is a prime example that illustrates Graffit research findings. In April 2009 a state of emergency was declared in Attawapiskat when site destruction of reserve school closed due to huge diesel leak on the land. The diesel leak released heavy odour of diesel fumes into the air resulting in an air quality crisis. Due to this crisis, the community had to close down its schools. This crisis had …show more content…

Perhaps it is no surprise that, not providing libraries etc. within the Attawapiskat temporary schools due to poor funding, leads Indigenous student to have a low academic achievement. Therefore, poor funding and under resources of schools on reserves like Attawapiskat is another direct reason why Indigenous students are more likely not to finish high school in comparison to non-indigenous (Pidgeon, 2015). Hence, their inability to finish high school will affect their ability to obtain greater life chances of employment. Low expectation that teachers tend to have for Indigenous students

Teachers rarely interact with students without some expectancies about how they will perform academically (Trouilloud, 2002). Trouilloud asserts that expectations are thought out as assumptions that teachers make about the academic performance of their students, based on the information they know about their students (Trouilloud, 2002). These assumptions can be either objective based on the student's past achievement or subjective based on teacher’s prejudices and stereotypes (Trouilloud, 2002). Trouilloud research revealed a strong connection between teachers expectation and students overall academic achievement (Trouilloud, 2002). In other words, the higher the expectation teachers have towards students, the higher the students’ academic achievement (Trouilloud, 2002).


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