
Essay On The Veldt

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“We’ve given our children everything that they have wanted. Is this our reward-- secrecy and disobedience?”(Bradbury). In the futuristic short story, “The Veldt,” written by the the well-know author, Ray Bradbury, two parents, George and Lydia have purchased a house with artificial intelligence; as a result, it has done everything for them and their kids, Peter and Wendy. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is known as any work brought forth by technology-- including machines, computers, etc.— and is becoming more relied on by the human race. According to Or Shani, the CEO of Adgorithms— the first company to develop and use AI for marketing— dates signs of AI back to Ancient Greece; however, for a long period of time, it was overlooked and not valued much (Shani). As we …show more content…

If you really believe in the future of AI technology— helping us accomplish tasks that humans fail at— then go ahead. It can be justified that AI can do all the medical work that requires precision, and even jobs that workers are reluctant to do. On the other hand, AI technologies may decide our future, and our society does not know enough about AI to continue. To begin with, we have the capabilities to do something for our future, or else, as Nick Bostrom believes that, “...we could be sleepwalking into a future in which computers are no longer obedient tools but a dominant species with no interest in the survival of the human race. "Once unsafe superintelligence is developed, we can't put it back in the bottle"(“Rise of the Machines”). Isn’t it safer to not do something in the first place, compared to doing something and regretting it for the rest of your life? Advancing AI technologies may sound like a terrific idea, however, after

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