
Expository Essay On Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Expository Essay

Harper Lee once said,“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view […] until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." People have all different levels and types of education, background, and experiences, which can greatly influence their opinion on everything. Learning to see other people’s perspective can increase empathy and understanding, a tool that can be wielded to better relationships in a family, work, or school environment.

Families don’t always get along. Siblings will argue with one another over seemingly trivial things, and parents will become apoplectic over a pair of shoes left in the living room. A brother will bug his sister until she snaps and screams at him. The sister yelled because she was already exhausted from a taxing school day full of advanced classes and athletics, and the brother becomes upset because it seems like he didn’t do anything other than want to share his excitement for something he’s passionate about. The sister shouldn’t have taken her anger out on another person just because she was tired, while her sibling should have waited a little while to tell her. The ability …show more content…

In a business environment, it is not an option to refuse to work with someone due to differences because this can lead to getting fired. It is imperative to learn to compromise and see other perspectives. The way someone thinks is a skill that no one else possesses. A team that works works well together is one that has many different points of view, and how they can take these to form one cohesive whole that solves the purpose or request of those they are working for. One way of thinking for someone can be incredibly simple due to their background and skill set; yet that same way of thinking can be unendingly complex for another. Learning to see another point of view can make an okay worker to a valuable asset in the

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