
Examples Of Conformity In Fahrenheit 451

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The Representation of Conformity and Nonconformity
There are two types of traits that Ray Bradbury gave to his characters; those traits are conformed, and non-conformed to society. Citizens in the novel live in this society, truly, believing that books are evil and will make them unhappy. These are conformed characters. Their dystopian world does not allow people to read or have any amount of individuality. Beatty is a conformed character, who is also captain of the firemen. Clarisse is a seventeen year old who reads, and questions everything. In the book Fahrenheit 451, many characters represent conformity while others represent nonconformity.

Montag is a character that changes from being conformed to unconformed. He used to be a fireman and even thought, “It was a pleasure to burn” (p1). Montag began the novel being conformed, like the rest of the world.. He thought the same, acted the same, and looked the same. Montag, being like everyone else, was oblivious to everything that was happening in …show more content…

Beatty is a conformed character, who is a prime example of what authority is in this society. He burns books and kills people to enforce his way of thinking; trying to “keep the peace”. Throughout the book Beatty says that books are useless, and no one needs them. This is another example of how he enforces his opinion on everyone. After an old woman is killed by firemen, Montag doesn’t want to go to work, so Beatty goes to his house. Beatty explains to Montag how he, Beatty, thinks the history of the world and firemen . After Montag questions Beatty about books, he replies saying, “They’re about nonexistent people, figments of imagination, if they’re fiction. And if they’re nonfiction, it’s worse, one professor calling another an idiot, one philosopher screaming down another’s gullet.” (p.59). He sticks with the same mindset throughout the entire book, and even dies for what he believe is

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