
Examples Of Fear In The Crucible

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Fear can motivate people to do despicable things; actions people would never commit in their right minds. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is about Salem, a small town in Massachusetts, and its outrageous witch trials conducted in the spring of 1692. The accusations started out of pure fear, and then others in the village began to accuse for their own benefit. Eventually, the situation escalated out of hand, resulting in the deaths of some very innocent people. Out of the many motifs presented in this play, one that was particularly prevalent was accusations made with specific intentions. This motif is displayed when Thomas Putnam, Abigail Williams, and Ann Putnam accuse others because of their personal motives. The first example of this motif …show more content…

A few months prior to this, John Proctor had an affair with Abigail; he has gotten past her, and wants to continue his marriage with Elizabeth. Abigail, on the other hand, still believes she has a chance to be with Proctor. Her way of manipulating their marriage is by accusing Elizabeth in hopes of getting her hanged. When Elizabeth hears of her accusation, she says to John: “She’d dare not call out such a farmer’s wife but there be monstrous profit in it. She thinks to take my place, John” (2.1127). Elizabeth knows what Abigail intends to do, and refuses to let her achieve this goal. Abigail hoped that by accusing Elizabeth Proctor, she would wind up with John, fulfilling her …show more content…

Out of the eight times that Mrs. Putnam had been pregnant, only once did she have a healthy baby that lived past birth. Once the witch trials in Salem came to be, it seemed the perfect opportunity to fault somebody for it. She turned to Rebecca Nurse, who owned a lot of land, to blame in an effort to get that land. The narrator spoke of Ann Putnam’s thoughts toward Rebecca: “To top it all, Mrs. Putnam-who is now staring at the bewitched child on the bed-soon accused Rebecca’s spirit of tempting her to iniquity” (1.1111). The Putnams had always held a grudge towards the Nurse family, so accusing Rebecca of witchery was for their benefit. This example represented this motif because it was how Ann Putnam made an accusation for her personal motive: acquiring land and

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