
Examples Of Figurative Language In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Figurative language is used throughout many books to help readers solidify in their mind what they are reading in order to procure a deeper meaning for the text. In “Fahrenheit 451”, Ray Bradbury uses figurative language in a way that compare the events and culture of “Fahrenheit 451” to the real world we live in today. Irony, symbolism, and a simile are the many pieces of figurative language found throughout this book.

On page 29 Clarisse explains to Guy why she is not in school and how she is ironically antisocial. “I don’t think it's social to get a group of people together and then not have them talk”, “Hours and hours of classes, but no one ever asks questions, they just sit us down and give us answers”. Clarisse loves engaging in conversation and talking about the strangers in the world but most people don’t communicate in the world no matter how close they are. An example of this bad communication is when Guy and Mildred are lying in bed and he a simple question. Where did they meet …show more content…

At this point in the story Clarisse has sadly passed away in a car accident and is slowly starting to realize that there is something wrong with his society. Before he met Clarisse he acted like everyone else, he was happy with his job and followed the motion of things like everyone else. After he met her he started seeing life differently. After the incidents with the old woman dying with her books and old man being taken away he started to be hesitant towards how things are done. He starts questioning his Captain about their thoughts on both incidents while his co-workers laugh at him for even worrying about it. If someone were just reading through the book they would never pick up on the significance of this line. It confirms that Guy is feeling some sort of disconnection from this world and it is affecting him personally and

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