
Examples Of Foils In Hamlet

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In most plays and short stories there are characters that help distinguish other main characters. The characters that create these distinctions are commonly known as foils. A foil is a minor character that contrasts the characteristics of a more important character. The foils in Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare, help the reader understand the struggles that Hamlet went through to find out what happened to his father. Hamlet’s best friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, are prime examples of the foils that hinder Hamlet in his struggle to discover his father’s fate. Claudius, the king, sent Hamlet’s best friends to be nosy and find out what exactly was bothering Hamlet. When the two friends arrive in Denmark, Hamlet is immediately aware that something about their presence doesn’t seem right. Hamlet starts to question why the two friends were in Denmark. Through Hamlet’s suspicions we learn that he is very quick to recognize sketchy behavior. The …show more content…

Laertes cares deeply for Ophelia and warns her to stay away from Hamlet. Laertes does this because he is unsure if Hamlet’s love for Ophelia is genuine. Hamlet has an undying love for Ophelia, but this is unclear until the end of the play to both the characters in the play and the readers. When Hamlet sees that Ophelia has passed on, he confesses his love for her, “forty-thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum” (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 243-245). Hamlet and Laertes both have an extremely short fuse, which causes them to make foolish and unwise decisions. Ophelia’s death causes Hamlet to go even more insane and make one of his many foolish decisions. Hamlet stabs and kills Polonius while he was talking to his mother. Hamlet, acting upon his sudden outburst of anger believes he has killed the king himself, but come to find out it was only the king’s

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