
Examples Of Gluttony In Dantes Inferno

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One instance in Dante’s Purgatory where he is agape by wonder is when they are traveling and hear hymns of souls. Virgil tells Dante that it is probably the voices of the penitents. Suddenly, Dante and Virgil are surrounded by the penitents and when Dante sees them he is shocked with wonder by how emaciated each soul is. Dante says “I was still marveling at their famishing, since I did not yet understand what caused their leanness and their scabby shriveling” (Purgatory.XXIII, 37-39). This quote depicts how Dante was filled with wonder and curiosity as to why these souls appeared like this. One of the souls turns to Dante to speak to him and it turns out to be Dante’s friend Donati Forese. However, his face was so sunken in and thin that Dante could not even recognize him at first. Dante wonders why these souls are so malnourished because it is nothing like he has ever seen before. Dante then learns that these souls are here suffering for their gluttony on earth. Gluttony goes against one of the seven most important Christian virtues of temperance. Gluttony typically is associated with greed or an excess of eating, which is why these souls are forced to …show more content…

In The Divine Comedy: Paradise, I chose Canto III to be moving and important to me personally because of how it touches on the love and appreciation of God. The passage in Canto III, pages 406-407 talks about being content with what God offers because all that God gives is deserved. Piccarda explains to Dante that she is content with her living situation because she deserves to be there. She broke her vows, and received the life she deserves. I felt this was important because it teaches that Piccarda and the others in her position know God is just and shows love to those who want and deserve it. Therefore, they are content and happy with their situation due to their love for God. On top of this, it teaches me a life lesson as well that those who are worthy and true to God receive the love they

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