
Examples Of Mistakes In The Odyssey

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Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but if people do not learn from those mistakes, the consequences are grave. Homer’s The Odyssey tells the story of the Greek hero Odysseus and his journey home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is hindered from getting home to Ithaca due to his interactions with Poseidon, Helios, and Calypso.
Poseidon, god of the sea, believes Odysseus should suffer throughout his journey because of his hubris, also known as, excessive pride. In the beginning of The Odyssey, Odysseus claims he conquers Troy by himself and he does not need the gods anymore. This makes Poseidon furious, knowing he is the one who answers Odysseus’ request for help during the Trojan War. He curses Odysseus, letting him know he is nothing without the gods. In “The Cyclops” episode, Polyphemus cries to Poseidon, “ ‘O hear me, lord … grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, never see his home … Let him lose all companions, and return under strange sail to bitter days at home’ ”(ll.484-493). When Polyphemus cries these words, Poseidon acknowledges. Now, not only has Odysseus offended him, but he has hurt his son, making Poseidon even more furious than he was before, and even more destined for …show more content…

Odysseus states, “The dangerous nymph Calypso lives and sings there, in her beauty and she received me, loved me”(ll.991-993). Calypso loves Odysseus because of his looks and his wisdom, and so do the other women on her island, especially since they have never seen a man before. When Odysseus explains the reasons of why he can not stay on Ogygia, Calypso tells him that Ogygia is his home from now on. Within hearing this, Odysseus loses all hope of ever getting back home to his sweet wife, Penelope and his dear son, Telemachus. The god Hermes tells Calypso to free Odysseus or Zeus will punish her, she frees Odysseus, and he returns to the sea, with all hopes restored to returning

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