
Examples Of Odysseus An Epic Hero

Decent Essays

Was Odysseus an epic hero?
Odysseus displays as an epic hero in the Odyssey. But what is an epic hero? Some characteristics of an epic hero is someone who is brave, strong, and intelligent. A hero was a leader who had not only physical strength, but mental strength as well. Odysseus faces many obstacles and life-threatening situations, but he overcomes them all. Odysseus demonstrates a lot of heroic like qualities during the reading of the odyssey.

Odysseus shows his bravery during the odyssey by going to battle against many different adversaries. For example, Odysseus not only asked, but demanded the restoration of his crew from Circe. Even though Odysseus ate “moly”, which protected him from Circe’s drug, he still demonstrated bravery by standing up to Circe. Another example of Odysseus’s bravery was when he went up against the Cyclops. Odysseus had never seen anything like the Cyclops before, yet he still was brave enough to go up against them. Odysseus also demonstrated strength throughout the odyssey. Odysseus was not only physically strong, but he was also mentally strong. …show more content…

Odysseus kept an open mind throughout the reading. Even the name Odysseus means open minded. Odysseus was also mentally strong because he overcame all of the obstacles and dangerous situations that he was in and he never gave up. Odysseus didn’t demonstrate many physically strong qualities, but one example is when he was the only one who could use his bow because he was the only one strong enough. Odysseus didn’t have a lot of physical qualities during the odyssey, but that doesn’t make him any less of a

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