
Excessive Screen Time Research Paper

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Living in a world of technology, media use is always increasing. Cell phones, tablets, televisions, and video games can be found in nearly every US home. Children of this generation are exposed to a variety of media and most incorporate it into their everyday lives. “A national survey in the US found that children aged 8 to 18 years had an average media usage time of 7 hours and 38 minutes every day” (Agarwal & Dhanasekaran, 2012). With this much media use, a child is sure to be influenced in some way by the excessive screen time. Studies show that too much screen time can have harmful effects on a child’s emotional, social, and physical capabilities. A child’s emotions can be greatly influenced by media. Although children can learn …show more content…

Excessive screen media may interfere with children’s direct social interaction. According to recent studies, “… families that eat dinner in front of the television converse less and talk about fewer topics than do families that turn the television off before they sit down to dinner” (Wilson, 2008). Although it is believed that media use interferes with a child building direct social skills, possibly the biggest social concern excessive media presents are the effects of media violence. According to The National Television Violence Study, young people view an average of 10,000 violent acts per year through media use. The study concluded that the primary effects of media violence were learning aggressive behavior and attitudes, desensitization to violence, and fear of being victimized by violence (Agarwal & Dhanasekaran, 2012). Television violence is not the only factor in aggressive behavior by children, but it is the greatest factor. It accounts for ten percent of the variance in children’s aggression. The only other factor that even comes close to media violence is gang membership at 9.6 percent (Wilson, 2008). These statistics demonstrate the harmful effects of media on a child’s social

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