
Explain What Number Of Natural Selenium Contain Six Stable Isotopes

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Samples of natural selenium contain six stable isotopes. these isotopes have the same number of proton & electrons in each atom they differ in the number of neutrons in each atom, the atomic mass, & their nuclear stability

Electron configuration 1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p4
Indicate the number of unpaired electrons in the ground-state atom it has 2 unpaired electrons in the 4P orbital. in a chemical reaction it is likely to take 2 electrons & become Se-2 or likely to do 2 covalent bond with other atom. it is also likely to lose all 6 electrons in its valence shell & become a +6, or fewer electrons & become +4 or a +2 just as sulfur does above it in the same group.

It is easier for it to lose electrons than it is for Br, this is because Br has the same atomic radius (115 pm) as does Se, but Br more protons to hold its electrons from being taken, & itso has a stronger pull for its own electrons and greater than that of tellurium. Se has a strong hold on its electrons, because it is a smaller atom than Te, with Te's valence electrons further out the strength with which they are held falls off by the square with distance. Te has a radius of 140 pm compared to Br's of 115 pm. …show more content…

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