
Expository Essay : ' Pacing ' Essay

Decent Essays

Mikhil Patel APLAC, Period 2 Spencer Narrative Draft Pacing Embed reflection Language plays a great role in the process of transmitting knowledge: everybody learns a language at a very early stage of their life and this means of communication will be used throughout in order to give and receive knowledge. In the course of just one day we claim that we know something just because we have read it somewhere or somebody has told us about it. We can therefore see what a powerful tool language is. The statement in the question, however, does not just mean that language is one of the most important ways of knowing, but even that it controls every other one of them with the capacity of influencing or determining our way of knowing the world. At a first sight this thesis seems quite logical: it would be hard for us to imagine a school or any way of transmitting knowledge without the use of language. In my early years, I was brought up in a bilingual household of English and Hindi. My parents, both ethnic Asian Indians, were immigrants that came to the United States in their teens, hoping for a brighter future. My dad was born in England to a middle class family in the suburbs. Naturally, he adopted English as his primary language, and Hindi as his secondary language for conversation in his home. My mother was quite the opposite. Being born in India, she did not grow up in a bilingual environment. Born to a middle class family, she did not have the financial means of going to an

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