
Extrinsic Motivation Definition

Decent Essays

Definition of motivation-
The internal mechanisms and external stimuli that arouse and direct behaviour.

Intrinsic motivation-
Intrinsic motivation is the internal factors of motivation. An individual that has intrinsic motivation usually plays the sport that they play because of their personal satisfaction and because it is fun and enjoyable. Also because they feel the need and desire to achieve big things and being successful by playing this sport. They also have the will to win all the games or matches they play.

Extrinsic motivation-
Extrinsic motivation is the external factors of motivation. An individual that has extrinsic motivation usually plays the sport that they play because of the financial rewards they will receive from playing this sport and the public acclaim they will receive. Also because of the …show more content…

Benefits of self confidence:
Producing positive emotions- A positive attitude and self belief can cause positive emotions. For example: losing a game can increase performance and enable you to look at the situation in a positive way.

Improving performance- If a sports person can focus self-belief into performance, it should improve. This will result in more success.

Improving concentration and effort- self confidence can help increase these. More self confidence will result in better concentration because you will want to focus. It will also mean more effort is put in as your confidence is high and you want to do well. If a performer is able to concentrate and more effort is put in, performance will be better also.

Development of positive game plans- the sports person knows they have the skills to be able to succeed. All that is needed is the opportunity to use those skills and a game plan can help highlight when they may be needed.

Methods to increase

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