
Eymp 5 Support Children’s Speech, Language and Communication.

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Support children’s speech, language and communication.

1.1) Explain each of the terms:
• Speech – The act of speaking, verbal communication. The act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings or ideas by articulate sounds or words.

• Language – Method of communication either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured or conventional way. A recognised structured system of gestures, signs and symbols used to communicate. Body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, geographical area or same cultural tradition.

• Communication – Transmission of thoughts, feelings or information via body language, signals, speech, writing or behaviour. …show more content…

Children model their own behaviour on others and if adults can effectively communicate and exchange age or developmental appropriate information with children this can encourage them to behave in acceptable ways. Frustration at their own inability to communicate effectively can lead to behavioural problems.

• Social – Talking out loud helps children to work through ideas, feelings and frustrations. In doing this children start to empathise and see other peoples point of view, and gradually become able to think about other people’s needs and feelings. This helps children to develop socially acceptable behaviour and build their confidence. Communicating with other children or adults in social situations helps children to understand what is expected of them and to enjoy participating. Children that have difficulties with speech, language and communication may find that their social development is impaired and they become awkward in social situations.

1.3) Describe potential impacts of speech, language and communication difficulties on the overall development of a child, both currently and in the longer term
Speech, language and communication difficulties can have a profound and lasting effect on children’s lives and development. These can affect their ability to communicate and interact with others. The impact of these difficulties will vary depending on the severity of the problems, the support they receive, the demands of the child’s environment

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