
Facing It By Yusef Komunyakaa Summary

Decent Essays

“Facing It” by the American black poet Yusef Komunyakaa of Shreveport is written with the use of visual images. Yusef Komunyakaa writes about one of his many trips to the Vietnam's Veteran's Memorial in Washington DC. This Memorial is a long polished slab of black reflectant granite with the names of all the US soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam. Yusef says “my black face fades, hiding inside the black granite”. Here Yusef uses his reflection in the wall to bring the reader back to the war and how he feels standing at the wall now. He makes his feeling ambiguous and give the reader the opportuntity to decide what he is feeling through his use of viual images. For example, one of these images can be interpretted in the section “My …show more content…

Perhaps he was someone that Yusef knew. With Yusef's thoughts flying back to the days at war, he could have interpreted the reflection of a flash of a camera or a white cloud and instantly remembered seeing this man blown apart by the flash of a booby trap. That particular experience would definitely have stuck with anyone as a very prey-like memory. Another mysterious image Yusef writes is “A white vet's image floats closer to me, then his pale eyes look through mine. I'm a window. He's lost his right arm inside the stone”. When he says a white vet's image floats closer to me, he could either be talking about the memory of a white man he served with or a white man walking closer to him at the wall. When the man's pale eyes look through Yusef's this could be that the man at the wall is not really looking at him but at the names on the wall, or that the eyes are looking through him because Yusef is watching him die in Vietnam as his soul is drifting away. Perhaps this is the Andrew Johnson and he lost his arm “in the stone” as in in the war and Yusef is speaking for him and other fallen heroes like a window. Also if it is a real man's reflection, maybe his pale eyes looking through Yusef's could be showing Yusef the same pain and hurt that they both went through in the war in the sense that Yusef becomes a window, by sharing the same hurt. Maybe this man really did not have an arm or maybe his reflection of his arm was just hiden in the wall. This symbolizes what

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