
Falsely Accused Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Reality of Being Falsely Accused
“The Innocence Project...reports that so far, DNA evidence has exonerated more than 250 people in 34 states who were wrongly convicted” (Modaferri). There is a reasonable possibility Adnan Syed’s case in Baltimore, Maryland. He an 18 year old boy being convicted for the murder. He is an outstanding student and a phenomenal athlete. Due to the inaccurate evidence and testimony of live witnesses, Adnan is innocent in the murder of Hae Min Lee.
One reason why there is not enough significant evidence to convict Adnan is that fact that Jay’s testimony was very inaccurate. For one thing, each time Jay testifies he lies, and the cops know it. When he was asked by the detective why he lied about where Hae was killed, …show more content…

Recently a guy Named Ronald Lee Moore, who is now dead, had been linked to the death of a 17 girl that was strangled. Deirdre says, “ What makes more sense? That little seventeen- year old, never been in trouble with the law Adnan killed someone or that Ronald Lee Moore, rapist and murderer who got out of prison thirteen days before Hae disappeared, that he killed someone?” (Koenig, “What We Know”). It could have been that man, because he killed one girl already. What would be stopping him from killing another? When the investigators went to Leakin Park they found a few items. The condom wrapper, shell casings, rope, and liquor bottle found in the park near the burial site were never tested for DNA (Koenig, “ Leakin Park”). With the DNA evidence actually being tested, they could effortlessly tell who may have been involved or not, because you can’t just acquire another person’s DNA without them touching the object. Another point that needs to be brought to the table is that it could have been Mr. S. that found the body. He says he pulled off because he had to pee from the 22-ounce Budweiser he was drinking (Koenig, “Leakin Park”) For one, who pulls off and goes to the bathroom in a park known for burying dead bodies? In addition, it takes a pretty shady person to drink alcohol before arriving back to work. Also, what would be the chances of him walking to the …show more content…

Nisha was a friend of Adnan that was called from Adnan’s phone on the day of the murder. They say the it would have to have been Adnan who called Nisha, because the call lasted over 2 minutes and Jay wouldn’t have talked to someone he didn’t know for that long (Koenig, “Route Talk). However, Adnan still falls on the innocent side; since it was a track phone, it could easily have been a butt dial. Furthermore, the phone records and the testimonies have a number of holes in them for it to be the main evidence the state goes by. As far as his ambition goes, people say that any person truly innocent would have testified and tried to speak for himself. Well, this is not always true. For example, in Adnan’s case his attorney told him not to testify. His attorney’s job was to protect him. He was relying on her, so he was not going to go against what she advised and risk angering her. Sarah recalls a conversation she had with Adnan, “ He told me he wanted to but his attorney advised against it. Not uncommon” (Koenig, “To Be Suspected”). Risky is a word that comes to mind when people like Adnan testify at trial. They could end up being cross examined because of it and the judge could take a point stated out of context. It is better to not testify than to run the risk of digging yourself a bigger hole sometimes. Adnan wishes he could have

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