
Family Medicine Physician

Decent Essays

"Put your good where it does the most!" This aphorism by Tom Wolfe, an American author and journalist, captures a guiding tenet of my life. I want to become a Family Medicine Physician because I think it is one of the most challenging fields in medicine and would allow me to do the most good for others. For me, medicine brings together science and people, with a chance to make a difference. Becoming a primary care physician would allow me to serve others, develop close relationships with patients, families, and the community, and improve access to health care.

To excel in a field requires dedication, repetition, and genuine passion. Growing up I dreamed of being a ballerina. At the age of eleven, I moved away from home and lived with a host family in order to attend a renowned dance school, the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet. For nearly two years I attended public school during the day, ballet classes and rehearsals each night and weekend, and rarely saw my family. Although leaving my home and entering into a stranger’s was incredibly intimidating, I happily committed thirty hours each week to training and approached …show more content…

I hope to be involved in improving how health care is delivered by identifying weaknesses in our current system and taking the initiative to improve them. As a medical student health advocate for a clinic at Lankenau Hospital, I learned to identify and address some of the non-medical barriers to health that patients experience. Learning that issues such as childcare responsibilities, education level, lack of transportation, and financial difficulties truly impede the ability for many to obtain adequate health care was eye opening and further reinforced my drive to help the

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