
Florida Everglades Research Paper

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Over a time period of many years, the Florida Everglades have been harmed.This is due not only to the fact that the Everglades were almost entirely drained, but also the fact that extremely hazardous chemicals are being put into the Everglades. However many organizations are helping the Everglades get their water quality and pollution under control. First and foremost, a main reason why the water supply to the everglades is having a bad effect, is because of all of the past draining. As stated in source 1 (The Florida Everglades) it says “From 1905-1910 , the settlers coverted the land… the Everglades were nearly drained entirely.” This shows that these new settlers wanted to get rid of the Everglades completely. As a result to their actions the Florida lost 50% of the wildlife’s population and diversity. This also included the subtropical wilderness of the Everglades. Which contained grassy marshes, hardwood hammocks, and mangrove forests. The draining of the Everglades was only one of the reasons why that the water supply on the park is bad. …show more content…

One example, as stated in source 3 ( Water Quality Nearly Halts Everglades Restoration) is of the Act that was made. “ As a result, the Everglades Forever Acts was passed in 1995 by then- governor Lawton Chiles.” This shows that many people cared about the Florida Everglades enough to get an Act passed. This Act helped very much in the lowering of pollution at the state park. Another reason why the pollution levels went down and the quality levels went up is because of the storm water treatment. the Everglades they would act as filters for the pollution. When placed into the Everglades they would act as filters for the pollution. These are just two of the examples to help explain why the Florida Everglades are still here, and why the water supply on the park is starting to get

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