
Florida Invasive Species Essay

Decent Essays

Invasive species in Florida
Florida, a treasure trove of many, many species of animals and diverse wildlife. How many of those, ‘Florida’ species are actually native to Florida though? If you walk outside you will probably see lizards everywhere, you know, the brown ones. Well, what if I told you, that they are not actually native to Florida? Those lizards are called Brown Anoles, and they are actually from Cuba and the Bahamas. This is just one example of the many invasive species, which compete with Florida’s native species for food, resources and territories everyday. A few more examples of invasive species that are harmful to our wildlife are the Cuban tree frog, which is a threat to not only other frogs but toads and lizards as well, the Burmese python, which is invading the everglades, and the air potato, which is slowly creeping its way up through Florida, tree to tree. The Cuban tree frog, true to its name, originates in Cuba and was brought here through the Caribbean (, probably by cargo or cruise ships, docking at our ports. The …show more content…

According UF’s Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, the Air potato is both on the Florida Noxious weed list and is listed as one of Florida’s most invasive plant Species since the 1990’s. The air potato is originally from the tropics of Asia (CAIP) and is heart-shaped in appearance. The reason the air potato is considered a ‘harmful’ species is because it is parasitic. The potato starts its journey in the ground and continues upward in vine form to find a host to latch onto. Once the vine finds a host tree, bush, or other plant, it begins by latching itself onto the outermost leaves, twigs, and limbs. Once the vine has fully attached itself, it drains nutrients from the fleshy parts of the host, thereby helping itself survive and harming the host, rendering itself with the label,

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