
Fluoride Contamination Methods

Decent Essays

Distillation uses temperature change to evaporate and re-condensate water. Fluoride and other inorganic minerals will generally not transfer from the boiling chamber to the condensate chamber. Some organic contaminants can transfer across. Maintenance requirements are minor; consisting only of periodic cleanout of the solid minerals in the boiling chamber and possible wipe down of the condensate chamber. Nevertheless, energy cost and reject heat are some concerns (DES, 2007).
Distillation and RO are proven to be effective for removing fluoride to below 4.0 mg/L or 4.0 ppm. The EPA (2017) has identified the following treatment processes as Best Available Technologies (BATs) for control of fluoride in drinking water: reverse osmosis and activated alumina. Because …show more content…

It shows positive and negative sides of techniques, and it can be observed that the activated alumina method has the majority of advantages in comparison with other described methods.
Table 5.1 General comparison of advantages of the most promising defluorination methods (WHO, 2006) The methods discussed before are effective in removal of large amounts of fluoride. Although state health agencies and public water systems often decide to monitor and treat their supplies for secondary contaminants, federal regulations do not require them to do this. Where secondary contaminants are a problem, the types of removal technologies discussed below are corrective actions to take.
Corrosion control is perhaps the single most cost-effective method a system can use to treat for iron, copper, and zinc due to the significant benefits in:
• Reduction of contaminants at the consumer's tap
• Cost savings due to extending the useful life of water mains and service lines
• Energy savings from transporting water more easily through smoother, uncorroded pipes
• Reduced water losses through leaking or broken mains or other

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