
Essay On Food And Beverage Operation

Better Essays





Javed Hussain Attar


This paper is mainly about the establishment of a gym in a five-star hotel which consists of 400 bedrooms. Being an Executive Chef in the above mentioned hotel I am responsible to establish a small restaurant in the gym. The gym is open for all the customers and the staff as well. The restaurant should contain the food and also the beverages. Both the food and beverages should be healthy and hygienic as it helps the customers in maintaining their diet and keeping themselves healthy. In the interview I have been asked few questions about the review of food and beverages needed for the restaurant, and also been asked to investigate the importance of …show more content…

Only those antioxidants that are commonly supplemented (vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium).” So all the anti-oxidants should be available as it is the best for gym and working out of the body.

Fruits: “After much research a great deal of scientists agree that: raw fruits and (cooked) vegetables are the only right nutrition for human beings. If you want to succeed in living a truly healthy life the best thing to do is to consume as much of the 'right nutrition' as possible each day. The more raw fruits and (cooked) vegetables you eat, the more your appetite for them increases and you might end up feeding your body with nothing but the right nutrition! If you don't consume five pieces of fresh fruit a day yet (raw or squeezed) and you want to lose some weight permanently in a period of, say, six weeks (this period depends on your current eating pattern) the best thing to do is eat (or squeeze) those five fruits every day. If you haven’t consumed that much healthy food for a long time, it is most likely that your body starts to detoxify. You could even get sick.”

Q2) A financial statement for the restaurant should be made. It consists of how much can be invested for a restaurant in the gym and what are the expected returns out of that restaurant. The amount we are investing should be returned through the profits of the restaurant. A clear price list of the menu should be made by creating a

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