
Forensics 1.06 Critical Thinking Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Review Questions 1) What is forensic science?

Forensic science is the application of science to the criminal justice system.

2) What three tasks or responsibilities does a forensic scientist have?

A forensic scientist can collect and analyze data from crime scenes, and train other law enforcement individuals. Forensic scientists can work in the lab, go out and collect data, or teach at colleges and universities.

3) What criteria might be used to establish someone as an expert witness?

Courts take in the educational degrees that the person has, any publications that they may have, how many years that they have been involved in their field, and any professional organizations that the person is a member of. …show more content…

3) Which of the forensic scientist’s responsibilities do you think would be the most challenging? Why?

I think that the most difficult responsibility of a forensic scientist is being an expert witness. I think that it would be challenging because you’re testifying in a very important court case, you’re under pressure, and you cannot lie, leave out details, or stretch the truth. Whatever you say affects whether or not the criminal in the case is found guilty or walks free, which can be very stressful to think about.

4) Which of the forensic scientist’s responsibilities do you think would be the most interesting to you? Why?

I think that the most interesting responsibility of a forensic scientist would be analyzing the data. I would always want to be the one to piece together a puzzle, and to solve a crime to figure out exactly what happened in a case. I think that it would be challenging, but it would also be interesting to join in on a case and examine and analyze the data to figure different things out.

5) Which of the specialty areas do you think you would most like to work in? Why?

I would be more interested in participating and working in forensic pathology. I would really enjoy doing autopsies and finding out time of death and the cause of death of people. I would enjoy working with blood and tissue samples, and I

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