
Formal Lab Report

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Project 3 Formal Lab Report: The Identification and Analysis of an Unknown
Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University
Thursday October 19, 2017

An unidentified substance had been found in a teaching lab and its chemical properties have been declared unknown. The compound needed to be identified in order to be properly disposed of. The sample is known to be one of the twelve compounds given by the supervisors of the MSU Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) as a baseline for the group of interns to build a compound profile. The samples that are under consideration are NaCl, KCl, Na2SO4, CaCl2, MgSO4, Na2CO3, K2SO4, KNO3, Ca(NO3)2, NH4CO3, NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, CaCO3, MgCO3, and CH3CO2Na.1The …show more content…

The testing needed to properly identify the compound must follow a series of tests to find important characteristics of the compound. The first is to identify the compounds physical characteristics such as if the compound is a solid or a liquid. The next test is the solubility of the compound, how well the substance dissolves in water. Finally, it must be determined if the compound is ionic, and then further if it was a cation or anion.

Experimental Procedure
To be able to complete this experiment various lab instruments were needed. This includes the use of beakers, test tubes, a metal spatula, wooden splints, and a Bunsen burner. The analysis begins with determining the physical traits of the compound. Then 0.15 grams of the unknown substance is mixed with 3 mL of distilled water to test …show more content…

Both the unknown substance and sodium chloride responded positively to dissolving in water. When following the halide test for anions, which the unknown substance responded to form a precipitate, the conclusion that the unknown substance must contain Cl-, B-, or I-.2 This narrowed down this list of possible known compounds which made the testing of each substance left manageable in the time constraint. Each of the remaining compounds matched the reactions of the unknown substance until the flame test. In the flame test, the unknown substance produced a bright and intense large flame. None of the known samples produced a similar reaction except sodium chloride which confirms its identification as the unknown substance.

Conclusion After performing multiple tests on the known compounds, the identification of sodium chloride being the unknown substance was confirmed. With this now known information, the waste can properly be disposed of by the EHS. The objective of successfully identifying the compound was achieved. In the experiment, the analysis of the physical characteristics, the testing of the solubility, and the ionic state of the compound proved to conclude very important data.

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