
Garden Of Eden And The Tree Of Knowledge Summary

Decent Essays

Lewis investigates the ongoing conversation concerning the interpretation of the story of the garden of Eden and the tree of knowledge. Lewis dives deeper into the alternating explanations given by Erich Fromm and Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik. Lewis illustrates the similarities and differences between the two socialist theories. The article makes clear the dispute that exist is a an outcome of the differences of world views. Topic’s evolving around good life, assertion and submission, autonomy and relatedness, will and surrender, independence and interdependence, obedience and rebellion, subjectivity and intersubjectivity. Lewis continues to express the different theories and developments provided by Erich Fromm and Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik. Lewis does an excellent job of comparing the two complex opinions on then various subjects. I really interpreted this argument well because I was able to view to different perspectives. Opened my eyes to the different clarifications on the the tree of knowledge. Lewis relies on the outer sources to explain the ever ending battle fought with temptation. This article will allow me to elevate my argument focusing on the similarities and differences between Milton and Dante’s theory of knowledge. For any readers trying …show more content…

“STEM DESIGN: literacy strategy: capture natural curiosity” Children's Technology & Engineering. Sep. 2013, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p28-31. 3p. Jones discusses the steps that contribute to the science, technology, engineering , and mathematics design process. Jones helps the reader comprehend the that designing is all about creativity. Critical thinking skills and knowledge of what ones seeking are all requirements necessary in order to reach one’s goal. Jones continues to define knowledge as the never-ending quest to improve and evolve. With the focus on improving oneself. Jones provides examples of past inventions and explains that all the inventors were on the same quest for knowledge and

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