
General Mills: Evaluating of the Potential Business Opportunities in France and Greece

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The paper is about General Mills, evaluating the potential business opportunities in two countries, Greece and France. General Mills is a major food producer in the United States, and has some operations in Europe. France is a major European market while Greece is a minor European market. This paper will examine the business conditions within and between these two countries in order to provide advice for General Mills' management
Background Information
France and Greece are both part of the European Union trade bloc and the Eurozone currency union. These two countries can only directly trade via sea or air, as there are non-Euro countries in between them overland. There have been issues of late with respect to the Greek economy, which has even brought about speculation that Greece might leave the currency union. To this point, the paper has been produced on the expectation that this will not come to pass. France is a highly industrialized nation, and a major manufacturer for the Eurozone. It is also one of the largest consumer markets in the region. Greece has a much weaker economy, with limited manufacturing capabilities and a much smaller retail market. For production purposes, General Mills needs access to raw ingredients like grain, corn, sugar and dairy products. Many of these are grown in France, with Greece being a smaller producer. France also has superior distribution networks. Politically, both countries are relatively stable democracies.

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