
General Strain Theory Of White Collar Crime

Decent Essays

White collar crime is one of the most under research forms of crime. Not a lot of resources are devoted to "upper-class" crime, most of the are devoted to street crime. Many white-collar criminals get away with their crimes due to the lack of attention diverted to this issue. It is more likely that an average person will be impacted by corporate crime than any street crime. Looking at the explanations of why people commit white-collar crime, two theories were the most prevalent; general strain theory presented by Robert Agnew and anomie present by Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld. In this paper it will be argued that general strain theory and anomie most accurately theorizes why people turn to white-collar crime.
White-collar crime was …show more content…

In other words, white-collar crime is when an employee commits an illegal act to further themselves or the organization that employs them. According to Sutherland (1940), white-collar crime is commonly seen as "misrepresentation in financial statements of corporations, manipulation in the stock exchange, commercial bribery, bribery of public officials directly or indirectly in order to secure favorable contracts and legislation, misrepresentation in advertising and salesmanship, embezzlement and misapplication of funds, short weights and measures and misgrading of commodities, tax frauds, misapplication of funds in receiverships and bankruptcies" however, is not limited to these …show more content…

Institutional anomie is best applied when there are weak restraints on how individuals should achieve success 'properly'. Since not a lot of resources and attention is given to corporate and white-collar crime, many individuals take advantage of the blindness of the system and turn to criminal acts to achieve society's standard of success. As previously mentioned, a significant portion of resources and time are dedicated to street crime. Even though as a population and society, we are all more likely to be directly affected by corporate and/or white-collar crime. However, since as a society we do not emphasize the importance of doing business ethically, honestly and without cheating, some individuals will turn towards crime to advance their career for themselves of for the corporation they work

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