
Generations Research Paper

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People are at the heart of every company, be it a large corporation with thousands of employees worldwide or a small, family-owned business that just opened its doors. People pioneer ideas, solve problems, and take care of the customer. As such, it comes as no surprise that one of the biggest challenges for every company is finding and recruiting top talent. With a new generation entering the workforce, employers are forced to be more creative in their recruiting methods in order to meet the different priorities and expectations of the new generation.
Since the 2008 financial crisis, one of the biggest issues to plague the American workforce has been work-life balance (Taylor, 2016). While salaries and minimum wages have experienced an …show more content…

Additionally, there would be no cap on the amount of vacations an employee is able to take. Typically, the only requirement is to make sure colleagues are up to date on the employee’s work and that the employee’s absence will not cause issues to the business in any way (Branson, 2014). The rationale behind this is that employees will manage their own time well because it is in the best interest of their careers to do so. This is different from a relatively more traditional Paid Time Off (PTO) policy, which essentially groups vacation, sick, and personal days under the same umbrella while establishing a cap on the overall time off (Sine, 2017). While PTO policies do not give employees as much freedom as an unlimited vacation policy, it still touts the same general principles and may be a better option for companies with more nonexempt employees or who are otherwise not ready to implement an unlimited vacation policy.
Unlimited vacation policies have been increasingly popular over the last few years with many companies in a variety of industries taking advantage of it. While traditional PTO laws tended to be based upon state regulations, this new perk was pioneered by Patty McCord, the former Chief Talent Officer at Netflix, and popularized by the viral deck that she wrote with Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix (McCord, 2014). Companies from GE to Virgin to StitchFix have all credited this infamous deck of 127 slides as the

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