
Germany 's Distinguishable Military Culture

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Germany’s distinguishable military culture is marked by the imperative to succeed and extremism. Their position in Belgium and The Great War began with the aristocracy being threatened, and ended with Germany overestimating their strategy. Reliance on tactic and luck rather than strategy proves to be the country’s Achilles heel once they encounter Belgium resistance. The strong characteristics of Germany’s style bleed through their actions across Belgium and shaped how countries perceived Germany during and after The Great War. The arising socialist party was beginning to be a major threat towards the aristocracy because of the rising level of nationalism. The Kaiser partially saw the war as a way to put aside the possible uprising and maintain current state of affairs. The victory the Prussian army had in 1849 came against the advocating of revolution and reform. After some time, the social, economic, and political forces that pressed for reform joined as one in parliament to face the monarch. The issue of monarch versus the people for control of the army and violence is what determined Prussia’s political fate. Bismarck turned these politics around in Germany to unify the army with war: this action shone a positive light on nationalism and put the army in the monarch’s hands. The Kaiser’s major power came from his control over policy and the military. Germany’s military is individualized because of the key aspects it follows. Relations to extremism, tactical actions

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