
Glg 101 Week 3 Assignment

Decent Essays

Online Assignment #3 Habits 1. One behavior I would like to change is when I veer off into browsing the internet and watch videos when I’m doing homework or when I’m studying. I think if I expel this habit, I will maximize my efficiency for completing homework and processing information while studying to better retain what I’ve studied. 2. Another behavior I would like to expel is eating unhealthy foods, especially during the weekends, or at a party or family event. I realize that it’s ok to cheat on unhealthy foods during times of leisure, but I think in order to attain the healthy body I want, it takes sacrifice. At least minimize the amount of junk food intake which I think in reality, is very attainable. 3. Being more sociable is a …show more content…

Also, I plan on telling my brother and mother about this plan and they’ll help guide me toward the right direction when I fall off course. I think letting my family know about my plan as soon as possible will help me out most, like today, which is July 13th. My reward will be much more sleep which will make me happier. 3. In monitoring my behavior, I will buy a calendar and a journal and write an X on everyday of the calendar in which I accomplished my scheduled time of sleep. In the journal, I will record what I did wrong on the days I didn’t accomplish the task of sleeping at the scheduled time. I will buy the calendar this weekend and I already have a journal. I will begin this plan at the same time I begin having a timer for my scheduled bed time which is on July 17th. A reward for this intention will be a record of all the calendars I’ve used in reaching this goal, it’ll show how far I’ve come. 4. I will not judge myself too harshly as I usually have before, I think this will allow me to be more calm and focused in attaining this good habit of sleeping well and waking up early. I think not being too hard on yourself is a good thing because it allows one to be at peace with themselves. I will not be hard on myself anymore, starting today, I’ll be at ease. I will treat myself to having more leisure time once I am more flexible with

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